About the CWC
For over 50 years, the California Women’s Chorus has thrilled audiences with their annual concert. Featuring the performances of the CWC scholarship winners, their programs have generated more than $250,000 in awards to outstanding vocal students. With their love of music and singing, the CWC members bring joy to their audiences, building camaraderie and lifelong friendships among the members.

The California Women’s Chorus is an outgrowth of the PTA Mothersingers. During the Great Depression, President Franklin Roosevelt and his wife Eleanor wanted to combat the low morale across the country by suggesting that Parent Teacher Associations form Mothersinger and Fathersinger groups in the schools. They believed in the power of music to lift people’s spirits and the healing that comes from joining together in song. From 1932 to 1966, the highlight of the California PTA convention was the combined concert of the local Mothersinger choruses.

The California Mothersingers grew in number until there were more singers than convention attendees. Eventually, the Mothersingers separated from the PTA; and in 1970, the group conceived the idea of a statewide organization with an annual concert of women’s choruses from the entire State of California. In May 1970, the first Annual Convention and Concert was held. Dedicated to music and the support for young music students, they incorporated as a non-profit in 1973 under the name California Women’s Chorus, Inc. (CWC). With a membership of nine choruses and over 200 singers, the groups stretch from Penn Valley in Northern California to San Diego in the south. Rehearsing weekly in their local choruses, the singers unite under a guest conductor as one group to present their annual CWC Concert.

The individual choruses perform for schools, community groups, churches, hospitals, convalescent and retirement homes, festivals—and even television. Their performances feature singing, dancing, costumes, and comedy. An annual concert in their local communities often concludes their season, with many of the groups giving music scholarships.